Charitable Trust Registration
* National Level Trust Documentation
* Supplementary Trust Deed
* Trust at Charity Commissioner
* Devsthan Trust Rajasthan
Memorandum of Association and Bye-Laws
   of Society
* Society Registration at Charity
* Amendments in Society Memorandum and
* Changes and Amendments in Status from
   State to National
* Annual Report Submission
* Inclusion and Exclusion of Members
NGO as Non Profit Company – Section 8
* Digital signature certificates (DSC)
* Director Identification Number (DIN)
* Submission of Return at ROC
Resolution General Body
* Resolution for Governing Executive Body
* Resolution for Bank Account
* Resolutions for New Programmes
* Resolutions of Meetings and Decisions

Bank Account Guidance

* PAN Application After Registration
* Bank Account Opening after Registration
* Bank Account for other than Social Work
Annual Report Preparation
* Annual Report as Profile of NGO
* NGO Profile preparation
NGO Accounting
* Separate Manage Account for other than
   Social Work
* Separate Account for FCRA
* Accounting and Audit Report Preparation
* Income Tax Return

Empanelment for Funding

Emplacement/Registration in NGO
   Darpan/Niti Ayog
* Registration in National Trust for PwDs
* Registration in Government Ministries
Documentation Consultancy for FCRA and 
   for Prior Permission FCRA
* FCRA Annual Returns
* Report Proposal Writing for Grants &         Fundings
Documentation for Funding and  Fundraising
* Project Presentation Guidance
* Concept Note before Proposal
* Project Evaluation Report and
* Project Impact Assessment
Fund Raising Events for Funding
* Fund Raising Campaigns
* Project Implementation Guidance


Trademark Registration
* Copyright Registration Consultancy

ISO Certification

* ISO Certification

Website Development

Website Development of NGO
* Social Media Services

All Type of Documentation and Consultancy Work for NGO including management and projects

Annual Reports

The purpose of penning down an Annual Report of NGO is which acts as a marketing tool which is send to the stakeholders of that organisation. This helps them to understand the objectives with mission, vision, projects and the people. Annual report is a very important and crucial part of work of an NGO. It gives the accountability to the donors of the organisation. This includes a complete report where all the details are furnished of the expenses that organisation had to bear and the amount paid as evidence. The annual report is the proof of the transparency of the organisation in front of the donors to show that the donations have been used wisely.

It grows the trust of the organisation in society and this in return increases the goodwill of the organisation in the society. The annual report is very necessary for filing return, the give an impact of the activities of the NGO. It contains the review of the events that have been organized or the amount that has been used and the credibility that it brought to the concern. There is a meeting that is held after the annual report is presented with all the donors or the stakeholders along with the important person of the organisation to speak on these matters. It also entails the relation between the creative and the informative part of an organisation.

The designing of the Annual Report of NGO is equally important along with the content that is presented. There are project designs and graphics that are needed for the annual report which gives the rightful impact to the donors. The report should be picture perfect with the size, font and paper that are used. If clients are in an utter confusion of the look and the ways allow NNFOI to help NGO team.

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