Charitable Trust Registration
* National Level Trust Documentation
* Supplementary Trust Deed
* Trust at Charity Commissioner
* Devsthan Trust Rajasthan
Memorandum of Association and Bye-Laws
   of Society
* Society Registration at Charity
* Amendments in Society Memorandum and
* Changes and Amendments in Status from
   State to National
* Annual Report Submission
* Inclusion and Exclusion of Members
NGO as Non Profit Company – Section 8
* Digital signature certificates (DSC)
* Director Identification Number (DIN)
* Submission of Return at ROC
Resolution General Body
* Resolution for Governing Executive Body
* Resolution for Bank Account
* Resolutions for New Programmes
* Resolutions of Meetings and Decisions

Bank Account Guidance

* PAN Application After Registration
* Bank Account Opening after Registration
* Bank Account for other than Social Work
Annual Report Preparation
* Annual Report as Profile of NGO
* NGO Profile preparation
NGO Accounting
* Separate Manage Account for other than
   Social Work
* Separate Account for FCRA
* Accounting and Audit Report Preparation
* Income Tax Return

Empanelment for Funding

Emplacement/Registration in NGO
   Darpan/Niti Ayog
* Registration in National Trust for PwDs
* Registration in Government Ministries
Documentation Consultancy for FCRA and 
   for Prior Permission FCRA
* FCRA Annual Returns
* Report Proposal Writing for Grants &         Fundings
Documentation for Funding and  Fundraising
* Project Presentation Guidance
* Concept Note before Proposal
* Project Evaluation Report and
* Project Impact Assessment
Fund Raising Events for Funding
* Fund Raising Campaigns
* Project Implementation Guidance


Trademark Registration
* Copyright Registration Consultancy

ISO Certification

* ISO Certification

Website Development

Website Development of NGO
* Social Media Services

All Type of Documentation and Consultancy Work for NGO including management and projects

NGO Registration

NGO Registration is a process by which the organization gets registered. Registration is the very first step in establishing an NGO. NNFOI Consultancy is the best and leading consultancy service provider for NGO Registration in India. Registration of NGO in India is a process that requires a long list of legal procedures to be fulfilled. This process requires few documents that need to be submitted like NGO name, NGO address, the number of members with their details and specifications. The required documents and forms are to be filled, identity cards to be attached, consent letters to be provided, etc. NNFOI Consultancy handles expertly all that and more that are required and provides legal and documentation consulting and support to register NGO. NNFOI Consultancy guides up in for the registration process for the requirements and responsibility of the applicants who want to register NGO. If the volunteers and social workers who want to form and register NGO have been facing any trouble with the registration process and they think they need help then NNFOI helps to resolve the problem and legally supports to register NGO in regular process.

To register an NGO first of all, the registration category is to be decided under which registration is expected to proceed. The registration processes are different in different states of India. In most of the states the three main registration options and processes are available to register NGO including, Trust, Society and Section 8 Non Profit Company. It takes one week to a month or two to get the Registration of NGO according to the decided registration process and the jurisdiction area of the decided registered office of the NGO.

The consultants first arrange the registration form and latest required information from the concerned registrar office of the state and the district. Then arranges for consent letters from the committee members. After the consent of the applicant social activists and social entrepreneurs documentations are collected and registration fee is taken for NGO registration. For Society and Non Profit Company the name for the NGO also has to be unique. For society the name of Organisation must not already registered at the jurisdiction of concerned Society Registrar office. For Non Profit Section 8 Company name of the Non Profit Organisation must not be previously registered anywhere in India as Non Profit Company. For Trust any name of any existing registered Trust can be used for new Trust in the same or different Sub Registrar office. Any name similar to any name that is similar or equal to name of any Government Department, Ministry, Commission or Government Authority must not be similar or equal. After guiding for the registration process Consultants prepare Memorandum, Article of Association or Trust Deed including Bye Laws and Objectives for NGO. Our team with our experts will help NGO find a name that will like at the same time not against the rules and regulations. Our team has experts who are knowledgeable enough to work on behalf of NGO for the entire registration process. That way save your worthy time and instead can ponder upon the strategies that will help you and NGO team to achieve the aims. In case if there is any dispute or denial on the required name that can be taken as per law and cannot be challenged according to law the you just read and pass through this clarification. For Name dispute matter check this link here. When founder persons are thinking of a NGO registration then the name should be given following the rules and regulations. The name should not contain any connection with the Government of India, or the State Government or any connection with legal authority. After discussion and verification with the applicants about the desired Objectives consultants of NNFOI then submit all required documents and information at the concerned registrar office to proceed for Registration. After completion of the process the documentation, memorandum/Article of Association/ Trust Deed with registration Certificate can be received from the Registrar Office.

The matters don’t end with registration. Renewal is an important aspect of the working of an NGO too. NGO’s can legally function for a period of 5 years after registration. After such periods, they have to get themselves regularly renewed; which, again is managed by Srishti. Renewal forms are to be filled and renewal fees paid. Experts at the consultancy take care of the smallest details usually overlooked. For example, the name of the NGO has to be chosen with utmost care and names of national emblems or seals are not to be used. It should not be vaguely obscene either.

Whether it is corporate client or NGOs just having a dream of a social welfare society at NNFOI Consultancy is there to provide NGOs our expert service at any point of time. No matter where NGOs stay in India all they need to do is contact and NNFOI would definitely help NGO in explaining the entire registration process. Many a time a client is not sure about the entire structure of the registration and finds himself clueless. NNFOI creates the strenuous, confusing work that is killing your precious time. NNFOI will submit the documents in the respective departments of the offices for NGO.

An important thing to keep in mind is that only certain categories of people may form a society. Foreigners, Partnership firms, Limited companies, registered societies only fall in the valid categories. NNFOI with its focus to details and widespread network steers easily and formally through such formalities to get the registration process completed as soon as possible.

What is required for NGO Registration?

  • Members (Two to eight members depends upon the registration process).
  • Photo ID proof with Address of each member (Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport, Other Government recognized ID. PAN Cards not applicable as ID).
  • Two Passport size Photos of each member.
  • Name of NGO (Name must not be similar to Government names or restricted in as in Emblem Act).
  • Main Purpose and Objective to form NGO.
  • Memorandum, Article of Association/ Samvidhan/ Trust Deed.
  • Address proof of Office of NGO (Legal authorized, recognized and Government permitted address of private colony/ area required. Government quarter/ residence or Public sector colonies are not allowed as address of NGO office.)
    [ In Delhi – Office Address of legal authorized colony is required. The address of unauthorized colony is not permissible and not allowed. No Objection by Owner of the office premises along with the electricity bill or property documents are required]
  • Application for Registration.
  • Registration and Consulting Fees of Registration.
  • How, what and where about registration process: If you want to do at your level then you have known and to do at your own level according to process, jurisdiction area and states.
    And if you want and take Consulting service for Registration then the consultant can do the rest of the legal process and required formalities including the Memorandum of Article.
  • NGO Registration
    What to Register Trust, Society or Non Profit Company. To know that you can check the following links and decide. If you are not sure then know that What is NGO. There is difference in Registration Process and somehow at management part only. But at Funding part there is no difference between Trust, Society or Non Profit Company. The funding may be at Government part or at private part all deserving NGO as Trust or Society are in equal status to gain funds.
    What to Register: What is to be registered for NGO, a Trust or a Society?At this part formation and registration of Charitable Trust is recommended. A Trust – that is also the NGO like other formation process as a Society or Non Profit Company. For Registration and management Trust formation/Registration is easy.

o    Trust Registration

o    Society Registration

o    Non Profit Company Registration

o    Co-Operative Society Registration

  • How to Start NGO and Form NGO
    How to start, form and Register NGO 
    एनजीओ कैसे शुरू करें, कैसे बनाएं और कैसे रजिस्टर करें
  • How to Start NGO with the help of Consultancy
    If you want to know that how to register NGO? How to Register Trust or How to Register Society or Non Profit Company as a Non Profit Organisation (NPO) or as a Non Governmental Organisation, just check this link page where you will know the PROCESS OF NGO REGISTRATION.
  • What to do to start, form and register NGO
  • Avoid NGO Name Dispute
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